
The Memphis and Shelby County Land Use Control board next month is expected to consider county government’s proposal to begin providing solid waste services in Northaven.

Shelby County’s proposal includes weekly collection of garbage, limited trash and yard waste.

One of county government’s intentions is to combat illegal dumping and blight in the area through this proposal, Shelby County Chief Administrative Officer Dwan Gilliom wrote in a letter to the LUCB.

“Illegal dumping of household waste and harborage activity are health concerns within the community as well as persistent public nuisances,” Gilliom wrote. “The activities adversely impact public health by the creation of rat harborages and other vector habitats and damage both livability and pride within the community.”

This is one of 18 cases the LUCB is expected to consider Nov. 14 at 9:30 a.m. in Memphis City Council Chambers at 125 N. Main St.

The solid waste plan county government is proposing would only apply to Northaven, which has about 1,040 single- and two-family occupied homes and seven duplexes, according to the county. The monthly fee for residents would be about $27 on their Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division bill, according to the proposal.

Currently, Northaven residents are served by private trash collectors.

Northaven is a community of about 5,000 people in unincorporated Shelby County, located between Frayser and Millington.


Omer YusufNorthaven residents voice concerns to Mayor Harris, county officials


This is not the first time the county has discussed providing solid waste services to Northaven.

In 2012, county government asked residents in unincorporated Shelby County if they were interested in county-provided trash collection. Only Northaven residents expressed any interest. However, when polled by the county in early 2013, not enough Northaven residents responded to justify the service.

In a meeting with Northaven residents in September, Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris said his administration was discussing presenting a proposal to provide sanitation and solid waste services to the Shelby County Commission in about two months. At the time, Harris said bringing sanitation services to Northaven was achievable.

“It’ll be a presentation where we deliver the background on the issue, and make sure they know what’s going on and what options we’re considering to solve the problem,” Harris said after that meeting. “After we lay down the groundwork with the County Commission, we’ll do some more community meetings and bring something for the County Commission to vote on.”

The current county proposal must go through the LUCB before it is considered by the County Commission.
