Memphis City Beautiful focuses on providing public education programs and other services designed to encourage all in our community to take responsibility for improving the environment in which they live and supervise civic beautification projects designed to enhance the appearance of parks and other public spaces throughout Memphis. Visit Site
Building a brighter, more vibrant
Memphis together.
On Litter & Waste Reduction
Clean Memphis was founded in 2008 to foster a cleaner and greener Memphis. Through research of other cities, Clean Memphis developed a strategic plan focusing on engaging and educating communities, providing high-level cleanup of key areas and implementing a comprehensive environmental education program that includes a focus on sustainability for schools and restaurants. Visit Site
On Food Waste Reduction
The Compost Fairy takes seemingly useless material and turns it into what it’s meant to be—a beneficial soil amendment. But it’s even beyond that. We are an educational resource—a way to teach people about simple ways to reduce their impact on our environment. While we make this easy for you, the smallest steps can have profound impacts. Visit Site
Project Green Fork was founded specifically because of studies indicating that the average restaurant produces 50,000 lbs. of garbage annually. Our goal is to create a more sustainable Mid-South by helping reduce environmental impacts, with a focus on strengthening homegrown restaurants. Visit Site
Our mission is to change lives by eliminating hunger in the Mid-South. By providing food for families, children and seniors, we impact their lives by solving one of the biggest struggles they face: getting enough nutritious food to eat to live a healthy life. Visit Site
Our mission is to cultivate collective action for an economically sustainable, socially equitable, and environmentally sound local food system. Visit Site
On Community Beautification
UrbanArt Commission (UAC) is a non-profit organization committed to creating opportunities for artists and neighborhoods to connect and shape spaces through public art. Visit Site
Bloom’s core mission is to empower people in every neighborhood to create and maintain great parks and public spaces. We envision our neighborhood parks filled with people and families enjoying themselves in a safe and inspiring environment – and a lot of that is due to the neighbors who invest time and energy into them. Visit Site
On Community Revitalization
Neighborhood Preservation Inc. exists to eliminate or mitigate all known legal and systemic impediments to the removal of such properties so that all available resources for addressing blight can then be effectively and efficiently deployed. Visit Site
BLDG Memphis (Build. Live. Develop. Grow.) is a coalition for organizations and individuals who support the development and redevelopment of healthy, vibrant, attractive, and economically sustainable neighborhoods throughout the Memphis region. Visit Site
Blight Authority of Memphis’ mission is to convert vacant, abandoned, foreclosed or tax-delinquent properties into productive use, to reduce blight, to increase property values, and to improve the quality of life in Memphis neighborhoods. Visit Site
We develop initiatives, nurture partnerships and innovate solutions to move Memphis forward and deliver impactful, sustained change. We work with diverse stakeholders to collaborate across public, private, and non-profit sectors to understand the root causes of long-standing challenges and generate solutions from ideation to scale, deliver, and sustain. Visit Site
Habitat works with families in need of decent, affordable homes. Habitat doesn’t give away homes – Habitat families help build their homes, then buy their home with a 0% interest mortgage. Their mortgage payments go into a revolving “Fund for Humanity” that helps other families build or improve places to call home. Visit Site
State and National Partners
Our department is committed to providing a cleaner, safer environment that goes hand-in-hand with economic prosperity and increased quality of life in Tennessee. We deliver on our mission through managing regulatory programs that maintain standards for air, water and soil quality while providing assistance to businesses and communities in areas ranging from recreation to waste management. We also manage the state park system and programs to inventory, interpret and protect Tennessee’s rich natural, historical and archaeological heritage. Visit Site
NRDC works to safeguard the earth—its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. Visit Site
ReFED is a multi-stakeholder nonprofit, powered by an influential network of the nation’s leading business, nonprofit, foundation, and government leaders committed to reducing U.S. food waste. ReFED takes a data-driven approach to move the food system from acting on instinct to insights to solve our national food waste problem. Visit Site
Our mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger. Visit Site
We believe in the shared American responsibility to build and maintain clean, green, and beautiful spaces. That’s why we take action every day to improve and beautify communities across America. Keep America Beautiful envisions a country in which every community is a clean, green, and beautiful place to live. This is why we do what we do, and why we invite committed people like you to participate in our activities and support our programs. We all benefit from living in cleaner, more beautiful places. Visit Site